Miniature roses of this species grow to a height of no more than 30 cm. Semi-double flowers, 2-4 cm in diameter, lilac, pink and white shades have a pleasant smell. For better flowering, remove wilted flowers. The main secret of growing them is bright light and cool air. The soil is nutritious, loose. From spring to autumn, the soil is kept constantly moist, spraying the leaves is useful. Agrotechnics. In winter, plants are stored at a temperature of + 3-10 ° C, watering is almost stopped, preventing the soil from drying out. In the spring (March) pruning should be done. After the resumption of growth, the plant must be fed. Seeds sown in December to a depth of 0.5 cm under glass germinate in January-April. Two weeks after sowing, the temperature is maintained at + 5 ° С, then until germination + 20 ° С. Seedlings bloom in 4-5 months.
Rose Angelic polyanthus, seeds Search 5pcs
Rose Angelic polyanthus, seeds Search 5pcs
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SKU: O-25136
Categories: Flower seeds, Perennial garden flowers, Seeds
Tags: flower seeds, flowers, garden flowers, Perennial flowers, Perennial garden flowers
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