Appearance. Root crops are smooth, oblong, cylindrical, up to 20 cm in length, up to 8 -9 cm in diameter. Fruit color is white with a greenish top. The pulp is white. Root weight – up to 400 – 500 g. The rosette of leaves is loose, raised, diameter – 60 – 70 cm. The leaves are green, narrow, dissected, have up to 6 pairs of lateral lobes. The leaf plate is densely pubescent. The fruit itself is raised above the ground by 2/3, it is easily pulled out during harvesting. When to plant? The elephant’s tusk is classified as a mid-season variety. It is recommended to sow not earlier than the end of June. The optimal time for planting seeds is mid-July. Productivity. High-yielding variety, from 1 sq. m. you can harvest 3-4 kg of root crops. Important: the variety has good keeping quality, suitable for long-term storage. Where is it recommended to grow? Great for outdoor cultivation. Sowing is carried out on a flat surface in rows (row spacing up to 60 – 70 cm), also on beds and ridges (row spacing up to 40 – 50 cm). It can grow on loamy soils. High yields can be achieved on fertile, fertilized soil. It is better to sow the variety after potatoes, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Not recommended to be planted after cabbage crops.
Radish (daikon) Elephant tusk, seeds Intersemya white package 1g
Radish (daikon) Elephant tusk, seeds Intersemya white package 1g
250 in stock
SKU: O-26789
Categories: Radish, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
Tags: bitter radish, black radish, Radish, seedling, vegetable garden, vegetables
Weight | 0.020 kg |
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