Fertilization of the soil is a serious problem that worries every owner of personal plots. Many do not trust chemical fertilizing, believing that it can harm health, in this case, original methods of soil fertilization do not come to help, for example, a vetch-oat mixture is sown as green manure. Green manure (green manure or green manure) is a group of plants that are sown for subsequent incorporation into the soil. After they form a fairly lush green mass, they are added dropwise. Thus, it enriches the soil with nitrogen, with the suppression of the growth of weeds. In addition, such fertilizers prevent the development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria that provoke diseases of cultivated plants. Green top dressing replenish the reserves of nutrients in the soil without the danger of their excess.
Personarum / Vico-oats green manure seeds 3 kg.
Personarum / Vico-oats green manure seeds 3 kg.
250 in stock
SKU: O-16704894
Categories: Other seeds, Seeds
Tags: clover, grass, lawn, microclover, planting seeds, russian seeds, seeds
Weight | 0.020 kg |
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