Sweet and pungent taste. Early variety (35-40 days). Roots are round or round-oval, white, smooth, 6-10 cm long, the diameter of the middle of the root is 5-9 cm, weighing 200-400 gr. The pulp is tender, dense, crispy, very juicy. The taste is excellent. Used fresh. Cleans the body, removes toxins. Resistant to mucous bacteriosis and “flowering”. The value of the variety: early maturity, adaptability to open and protected ground conditions, amicable crop formation, cold resistance. GROWING CONDITIONS: the highest yield is obtained on light, fertile soils. The best sowing time is early July. Seeds are sown on ridges to a depth of 2-3 cm, 2-3 seeds per hole. After emergence, the plants are thinned out, removing weak seedlings. Landing scheme 10×25 cm.
Daikon Sasha, seeds Agroupech 1g
Daikon Sasha, seeds Agroupech 1g
250 in stock
SKU: O-17598
Categories: Daikon, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
Tag: Daikon, vegetables, garden, vegetable garden, seeds
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